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Aleksa Bubanja

I am an ambitious front-end developer looking for my first job. I have experience working with HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, React, JQuery, Typescript, and Redux.

Aleksa Bubanja

About me

I started playing with computers for as long as I can remember. I always loved to play games and I kept wondering how to make my own. I started with basic programming, through game development, to the web development. Since then I haven’t stopped learning web development. I have a passion for building awesome websites and functional web applications. I am a quick learner and fully committed to growing my skills. Additionally, I am always willing to keep learning new technologies. When I'm not coding, I play basketball or football, watch movies, or play video games.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • Javascript
  • React.js
  • JQuery
  • Typescript
  • Git



Walkmate is a full stack application built with HTML/CSS/JS on the front end and Flask on the back end. You can register by providing an email address and a password. After logging in, the dashboard will show all users, you can filter users by location to find people nearby who want to walk with you. I used SQLAlchemy to communicate with the Sqlite3 database.

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Basket Report

The project is about basketball, one of my biggest passions, apart from programming. Created in React/Sass/Typescript, you can learn more about NBA teams, players, and games. You can read the news and make your team.

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Fitness exercises

This is a React project where you can choose exercise categories and specific muscle groups, and search for more than one thousand exercises with practical examples and related videos. I created pagination with react-paginate and a section for similar exercises for targeting muscle group or equipment.

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IP address tracker

This project allows you to find location of given IP address. Your IP address, location, timezone, and IPS will also be displayed. If you browse someone else's IP address, their info will show up. I used React Leaflet, Ipify AIP, and context as an app provider.

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Galleria slideshow

This is one of the most visually appealing React apps I've created. A slideshow was made using useParams method from react-router-dom. There is also a progress bar and 2 arrows for navigation through the paintings.

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